Amd drivers for ubuntu
Amd drivers for ubuntu

amd drivers for ubuntu


On the other hand, they need to keep usershare, even if it's just 0.5% of their business & ship a custom Linux driver (they do already, yet doesn't work on 16.04). I strongly doubt that AMD will 'go under' w/out Linux. Who will win should AMD stick to their guns? Their loyal users, and Linux market share has actually dropped in the last couple of counts & didn't have the first thing to do with AMD, market share was dropping before 16.04 was released. And there's no way that AMD developers could not know that in 2016, there was going to be a new Ubuntu LTS released, though this could possibly not affect cards of the 2008-2013 era. So there's a strong chance that (like with Dell/nVidia) we have a power struggle on our hands. No way could the Ubuntu developers not know that there's untold millions of computers power by AMD graphics on retail shelves & warehouses, not to mention just as many APU's & GPU's for self-build/upgrading, plus 10x as many already in use. I'd bet most anything that this is a two-way streak.

amd drivers for ubuntu

Though in some instances, consumers can successfully 'appeal' restocking fees, just say that the card doesn't work with Windows 8.1 or 10, if Linux isn't in the specs, stating that it runs overly hot is plenty enough reason. One has to remember, with computers & a lot of hardware, there's a minimum of 30 day return (Costco provides 90 days w/no questions asked) on computers & other electronics, Newegg & other suppliers offers a 30 day return on most GPU's (restock fee may apply). They actually spent the first 3-4 months finger pointing at one another, then when both Dell & nVidia seen RMA's at alarming rates with non-stop bleeding, they set their differences aside to address the issue & all was miraculously fixed.


It took a joint effort on both ends to get the issue fixed, a BIOS update by Dell & newer drivers from nVidia to settle the matter, and that took a whopping 8 months or so. This is the same game that Dell & nVidia were playing with one another over their GTX line of cards, though mainly affected those with the 970/980 models. Best bet is to wait for AMD to get their stuff together and support that card under *nix. So it seems unlikely anyone else does at the moment. AMD has ZERO support for that card for Linux. Unfortunately I don't even think OP will be able to find one that will work with his graphics chip. I'm sure that the 'try & see' method will land you with a Linux distro in little time.

Amd drivers for ubuntu